We had our annual New Year's party... well... we didn't have one last year for 2010. We decided to go out and I did have fun but it was mad crazy downtown with the military and the Portuguese partying... Beer bottles and champagne bottles flying around, of course while I was 7 months pregnant. But most of all i just missed being with my kids, usually there to give them a huge hug and kiss as it hits midnight. The next morning, i felt even worse, because both boys were running fevers but Ja'Mari's just wasn't breaking and it was getting higher and higher... by evening time, Michael had taken him to the emergency room and poor baby ended up having H1N1... he recovered, 2 days later...
So this year, i decided, that most of our friends we hung out with this year all had their kids, as well as the past previous years, so again with our New Year's Eve bash!!! Normally themed... this year, with the help of Chanra, we decided on a Mad Hatter's/ Crazy Hats theme... everyone participated and it was great... I had 3 prizes for Top 3 adults and Top 3 kids... we "Just Dance"ed the night away on the Wii and right before midnight, the kids went outside with their glow sticks and we gave them some pop its and when midnight hit, we went out on the street and threw them on the ground and yelled, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" It was great and we all had fun... at the end of the night everyone went home...
1st Place |
2nd Place |
3rd Place |
1st Place |
2nd Place |
3rd Place |
I love it! Maybe next year I will do something like this.