Berish Family 2010

Berish Family 2010

My Other Blogs

Monday, July 25, 2011

another Sunday....

Today was another beautiful day... what a beautiful weekend it was!!  Too bad my kids were sick throughout most of it.  Today, i got them out of the house... i was determined to, lol!!

I managed to get everyone ready and we left not too long after lunch time... and first stop was the park!!  They've been asking to go and i thought today was the perfect day.  Perfect weather and the kids weren't sick anymore.  So when we get there... i have Ayeanna take Ma'Kai out of the car and take him to the park while i work on putting my Moby wrap on and get NaLysia in it.

So 10 minutes... i am set, got it wrapped tight the way i like it, i got her in, i got my camera... i go to the kids... and they're sitting down in the shade!!  I told them i didn't take them to the park to sit... if it;s too hot, we're leaving.  And that we did... they're attitudes changed, they were sad to leave but no... we weren't just gonna sit there.  So i was going to take them home but i decided to take them to McDonald's... there we go ice cream and the played for a bit.

Afterwards, we went to visit my high school friend, Carol, and her family and hung out at their house for a little bit.  As many times as i come back to visit... somehow Carol and i never get the chance to get together... and i don't know why we don't make the time... we both have boys that pretty close in age and when we come here my boys don't have "friends" to play with... there's my BFFs nieces and of course girls...

It was a beautiful day! We hung out in the backyard while the kids played... like a typical filipino... they're feeding my tribe and trying to get me to eat, lol... it was nice.  That's what i like... that was how i like to spend my days, my weekends... friends talking, kids playing... i haven't had that since i've been back. I don't usually either.  I've become mature, a mother, and most of my friends are... but we live a completely different lifestyle these days.  I love them still... but they need to understand where I am coming from.

I like a few drinks here and there... but i am focused on my family.... and that's how it should be.  So they come first..

As the sun starts to set on this Sunday... the skies were so nice...
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