Berish Family 2010

Berish Family 2010

My Other Blogs

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A week of pain...

Not everyone know, i chose not to blast it on FB...

At NaLysia's 2 day well baby- (she was 3 days old), i took her in and she had a slight fever, 100.3.  I didn't think she was sick at all... she was eating, peeing, pooping, doing everything she should've been doing right.  I'm thinking she might have been as hot as she was because well... it was a HOT day and i put her into a HOT car, in a HOT carseat, and she cried the entire 15 minutes she was in the car seat... and she was wearing fleece pajamas... when we got to the clinic, i had to take her clothes off to a diaper and i wrapped her in a fleece blanket so she didn't get cold...

So from getting into the clinic and checking in and the nurse call us back and get vitals and all that... it was at least 5 minutes... my baby girl did NOT have time to cool off...  So now they're telling me that if her fever doesn't go down, she'll have to get admitted.  (Michael was leaving the next day... )  OMG!!! So they checked her temp again 15 minutes later and it was 100.2 then she comes back 5 minutes later, and 100.5 ( this is with the forehead scanner) .  I am hoping my baby is ok, but i really think everything that just happened... was why she was so hot!!  I have all kinds of emotions going through my head with NaLysia possibly being sick and Michael leaving the next day... i don't want to do this alone... i call him and tell him what's going on...

In the meantime, while i wait for him to come to hostpital... they start testing on baby... I was NOT going to leave my baby alone, no matter how hard it was for me to watch everything that was done to her!!  They tried and tried and tried... an on going 30-40 minutes to insert a catheter in her... with NO success!!  I was getting so frustrated because there was 4 of them and they were all saying things like "Do you see it??  Right there... i think"  "Is that it??"  "I can't see it."  "Wait right here."  Basically, they didn't know for sure but they were sticking her anyway... UGH!!!  She poked and prodded and blood taken... during all this of course I was an emotional wreck and I couldn't stop crying!!  At this point... I was still alone... =(  I didn't know what to do but hold my baby's hand!!  She screamed and screamed and all i could say was that, "it was ok, baby, mommy is right here."

Writing about this now, is bringing back emotions and i can't help but cry.

I'm jumping around and skipping some parts cuz this is already a long story....but Michael finally gets there as they get ready to take us upstairs to get admitted!!  By the time we get up there (1 hour later) her fever is gone, her temp is normal... but they're still admitting her for the next 48 hours.  Michael got a hold of someone and he had a week to be with us... So this was on a Tuesday...and by this time it was about 6pm... 48 hours!!The Dr. comes and explains everything... i'm still emotional... eyes about to be swollen shut due to all the crying... I won't leave my baby's side... we're still worried, we don't know what going on.  She's get started on her ivy... oh which btw way is on her little head...

Antibiotics are given and started... we still don't know whats wrong with her but just in case the antibiotics have been started. By this point my baby was finally peaceful and she was getting some much needed sleep without her being bothered.  That to be interrupted not too later... when they took her to get more testing done.  She was getting a spinal tap...We all decided that it was best that we not be in there for that one... and so Michael stayed in the room and waited while I left to get some fresh air.  I was really missing Ma'Kai so I went home to try to put him into bed... I held him and cried... and he knew something was wrong and that I was leaving again beacuse by 1130 pm, he still wasn't asleep and I went home at about 9.  I was so sad to leave him, I wanted to take him with me, but Michael told me to just come back and he would just fine with my Mom.  Gave all of them kisses and went back to the hospital.

They didn't get any fluid from the spinal tap and the next day they wanted to do it again... along with the stupid catheter... and still my baby is showing no signs of being sick... and to make it worse, everyone keeps saying she's doing great... everything looks normal... but we're still in the hostpital!!??  You still keep poking her, taking her blood... spinal taps, catheter...

to be continued... my baby needs me...

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