We went into the hospital Tuesday afternoon... it's now Thursday afternoon and we were hoping to be released by evening, if not early Friday... everything was good, everything normal, like it has been... but throughout all this she was poked and prodded so many times and woke up pretty much every hour or 2... and it seemed once i got her fed and settled and down in the bed... they came and woke her for something... poor baby.
She still slept and that's when she looked the most peaceful and i felt so bad that she kept having to get woke up. She was so exhausted that she had been doing for the last 2 days that she was barely awake.
During one of her feedings in the middle of the night... her ivy came off of her head!! Freaked me out, Michael was asleep and he jumped up to push the nurse's call button. Kinda freaked both of us out... i didn't know if it hurt her or what but she wasn't crying nor was she bleeding everywhere!! That worried me... so they replaced it on her hand, where it should have been in the first place, i think at least.
While she we were at the hostpital, Michael or I would go pick Ma'Kai up after lunch and keep him there until visiting hours were done or later... he was a great little boy. For a 16 month old, he does so great everywhere we go, but then again... so did the other boys. I was blessed with well behaved kids and i couldn't have asked for more. He played and walked around the room, ate, napped, watched tv, sang, whatever.... he didn't care, lol. There was a playroom down the hall where we went a couple of times but not too often. He loved going up and down the elevator whenever Michael went outside. Matter of fact... they would go up and down the elevator 3-4 times before they would actually get off and Michael would have to force him out of it. Found that out when i took him down, lol. But everyday that he would come to visit sissy he would have to give her a hug and a kiss and sit or lay in the bed with her... so sweet!!
He's doing great as big brother. Better than i expected but he still has his moments every now and then and it started when Michael left. He's definitely daddy's boy but when Michael was here, it wasn't so bad... we split our time between the two... and Ma'Kai still had Mommy time... but when Michael left, of course it's a lot to take in for him... he's still a baby, my baby, and he just doesn't understand. =(
So Thursday went by and early Friday morning came... still in the hostpital. When i had NaLysia they told me not to be alarmed if i saw blood spotting in her diaper, it's like she's having a period, very normal. I was seeing it, at one diaper a day... but at around 430am Friday i changed her and it was way more than what I have been seeing and it was a stringy clot and just to make sure i called the nurse to take a look. With all the catheters they tried to do with no success AT ALL... i want to make sure THEY didn't hurt my baby and that she was ok. But of course the nurse is not sure... and the residents weren't sure... and of course... of course... but shift change... the Dr. we get is not sure... WTF!!?? They want us to stay yet another night... it's Friday... we spent the whole week there. So i'm pissed... why... cuz all week i never got a straight answer, no one knows anything... no one!!! I want to take my baby out of the hospital to one that knows something.
So by Friday late afternoon... (before shift change) the Dr. comes in with an OB dr. and another one... and they said that to them everything looks normal. We should be good to go but the Dr. on call still wants us to stay. She knew I was mad... i had attitude the entire time she spoke to me... so she comes back and hour later and gives me 2 choices. She gets more blood from the baby and she gets an ultrasound and if everything looks normal we can go home and come back in the morning for another blood test or she does everything, stay until Saturday morning, gets another blood test and we can be out of there by 10am Saturday morning... by this point I was done with her, the hospital, the runaround... i miss my kids, my baby is ok... we are going home!! I'll be back first thing in the morning. So that's exactly what we do...
She's exactly one week old... I get to the hospital, she gets poked hopefully for the last time!! Go see the Dr. and explain everything that's been going on because Dr.'s don't talk to each other... and she asks, "She got admitted for that?? They didn't need to do that. They should have waited an hour and if was still high, come back the next morning for a follow up." WHAT!!?? Seriously?? After everything that happened this week?? OMG!! Then she kept shaking her head and after she's reads everything in her file and she asks, "So she never had a fever after her temp was taken down here??" I say, "NO." Then she says again, talking to herself, she shouldn't have been admitted or at least released by morning. WHAT!!?? Again... seriously??? She proceeds to look at NaLysia and asks the usual questions... and says she's perfectly normal to me... but to make them happy, come back tomorrow. And we did... and everything was fine..
Forgot to mention that during her US... she was so pissed and crying so much that she pooped everywhere (including me) and all i could think was ... "Well that's what she thinks of that... and all you people that keep messing with me!!" LOL... But everything was normal during that US, they were looking at her uterus...
So my baby is fine, everything happens for a reason... it was a scare but everything's fine. God wouldn't have put that on our plate if HE didn't think we could handle it. I am relieved my baby girl is healthy and that's all we ask for. We wanted Michael to stay a bit longer but obviously not for that reason but he did get to spend more time with his baby girl.
Told you all it was a long story!! A week in the hospital!! I DISLIKE hospitals...
Wow! what a crazy time! I am sorry you had to go through all that. I am super glad she is fine.